Personalized with your child's name

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Personalized with your child's name
- Processing Time: 3 - 7 days
- Shipping Time:
US mainland | 7 - 15 days |
Rest of world | 14 - 21 business days |
- Note: During peak time, processing and shipping time may be a bit longer. We are sorry for your inconvenience.
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We want you to shop worry-free! 😉
If the product is not as described, or you just don't like it, we will offer you a replacement, or a similar product or a full refund. No question asked and no return needed! It's simple as that.
For full Return & Refund policy, click here.
Why Buy From Melaninful?

Love it, or get it FREE
We want you to shop worry-free! 😉
If your product is not as described, or you just don't like it, we will offer you a replacement, or a similar product or a full refund. No question asked and no return needed! It's simple as that.